What happens if I no longer want to participate in an investigation?
While the school does not compel complainants, respondents, or witnesses to participate in investigations or hearings, the parties should be aware that participating in the fact-finding process is almost always a crucial component of the school’s ability to fully gather and analyze information.
The complainant may work with the Title IX Coordinator to withdraw their formal complaint. The complainant is not required to participate in this investigation or in any subsequent actions taken by the school.
In all cases, the final decision on whether, how, and to what extent the school will conduct an investigation or proceed to hearing, and whether other measures will be taken in connection with a report of prohibited conduct, rests solely with the Title IX Coordinator.
The Title IX Coordinator may determine if the complainant’s lack of participation requires that the decision-making process be discontinued.
In those instances when the Title IX Coordinator determines that the school must proceed with an investigation and hearing process despite the wishes of the complainant, the Title IX Coordinator will notify the complainant that the school intends to initiate an investigation.