Report a concern
If you or someone you know has experienced or witnessed sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, or any behavior by a student, faculty member, or staff member that you believe is in violation of school policy, you may file either a report or a formal complaint.
File a report
To file a report, contact the Title IX Coordinator or another school official with authority either verbally or in writing. You may file a report at any time, including during non-business hours, in the following ways:
- By email: (For School of Medicine concerns only)
- By mail: Contact the Title IX Coordinator or other school official c/o Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine, 98 South Los Robles Ave., Pasadena, CA 91101.
- By contacting the Ethics and Compliance Hotline. Anonymous reports are accepted.
You may file a report anonymously, but please note that we cannot provide supportive measures to those who file anonymous reports. We respect the privacy of all parties involved; complainants should not fear a loss of privacy when disclosing their identity in filing a report. This enables the school to provide supportive measures, while carrying no requirement that the school initiate a formal response such as an investigation, except in limited circumstances (e.g., the school will respect the complainant’s request not to file a formal complaint unless there is a compelling threat to health and/or safety).
File a formal complaint
To file a formal complaint, the complainant or the Title IX Coordinator must submit a written complaint alleging a respondent’s policy violation and requesting that the school investigate the allegations. For valid submission, the written request by regular mail, electronic mail, or through an online portal provided for this purpose by the school must meet the following requirements:
- Contains the complainant’s physical or digital signature, or other indication that the complainant is the person filing the formal complaint.
- Confirms that the complainant is requesting that the school investigate the allegations.
If the formal complaint is submitted in a form that does not meet the requirements, the Title IX coordinator will contact the complainant to provide additional instruction for proper documentation of a formal complaint.